Plans approved to build 25 homes near historic Leek hall
By Jack Lenton
19th Feb 2022 | Local News
A scheme to build 25 new houses on greenfield land in Leek will now go ahead, after reserved matters were passed by councillors at Staffordshire Moorlands District Council this week.
It's despite opposition from locals, who wanted to see the site near the Grade II-listed Pickwood Hall kept as open farm land.
Gladman Developments were given outline planning permission in February 2018 after an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.
Councillors were therefore only being asked to consider proposals relating to the appearance, layout, landscaping and scale of the plans.
The company initially applied for permission to build up to 90 houses off Milltown Way, but were refused.
They then proposed a smaller scheme of up to 40 houses on a smaller plot, and after speaking with officers they revised this down to 25 – but were again refused permission by councillors.
However, they subsequently appealed this decision and were given outline planning permission for a housing estate of up to 25 homes.
A report by planning inspector Alexander Walker said: "The appeal site has an open rural quality to it and provides a clear separation between the urban development of the housing estate to the east and the more rural setting of the listed building and its surrounding grounds to the west.
"Overall, the site makes a positive contribution to the significance of the listed building and its setting."
He noted: "The proposed development would significantly erode this separation, extending the built form of the settlement closer to the listed building, which has historically been set within a spacious setting.
"Given the nature of the proposal this erosion would be permanent and would result in a harmful effect on the setting of the listed building, which is agreed by both parties.
"Both parties also agree that this harm would be less than substantial."
His report also said: "Local residents raise concern regarding the effect of the proposal on highway safety as construction vehicles and future residents would increase the use of the narrow roads through the existing housing estate where there are already long queues at busy times, particularly at the junction of Pickwood Avenue and Ashbourne Road.
"However, the local highway authority raises no objection to the proposal."
On Thursday (17th February 2022) councillors met to discuss the proposals and agreed to grant permission for the reserved matters – despite originally voting against the outline plans.
Cllr Mike Gledhill said: "I think it's important to recognise that there was a very strong campaign fought to keep this valley and this townscape free of development in this area."
He added: "I would've preferred this development not to happen."
Cllr Gledhill conceded: "If there was going to be a development at all, this bit of the site is the right place to do it."
He continued: "Having said all that, I think the work done by the developer with the officers has really been impressive.
"I think what we have here is a sensible development of a proper mix of housing that we would want to see in the town."
He noted that he was frustrated by the use of phrases such as 'moderate harm' in relation to the impact the development would have on nearby Pickwood Hall.
Gladman Developments says it will build a mix of two-, three- and four-bedroom properties.
It said it will build eight affordable homes as part of the development – a third of the total.
Six of these will be affordable rental properties, and two will be classed as intermediate housing (ie: provided at a cost which is above social rent, but below normal market level.)
The affordable homes will be a mix of two- and three-bedroom houses, with some semi-detached and some terraced.
Kate Fitzgerald, of Gladman Developments, said the company had included a number of measures to help make the scheme acceptable, such as keeping the majority of trees on the site along with other green initiatives.
She said: "The changes to the layout and landscaping requested by the council's tree officer and the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust have been taken into account.
"The development includes a new community park with pedestrian access, allowing for increased walking for new and existing residents.
"Orchard planting and an ecological management area are also proposed for the south of the site.
She added: "We have worked hard to respond to comments raised by officers and statutory consultees in the application process."
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