Leek: Only four days left to make your voice heard on police and fire council tax levels
Residents around the county have only four days left to let the Staffordshire Commissioner know how much council tax you would be prepared to pay for policing and fire & rescue services in the local area.
If you haven't completed the survey yet, you still have time before it closes on Tuesday 11th January.
The Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime Commissioner, Ben Adams is responsible for setting the budget for Staffordshire Police, and Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service, including the amount of council tax used for both services.
Funding for the services is made up of a mix of central government grants, combined with the 'precept' – the contribution residents make as part of their annual council tax.
For 2022/23, residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent are asked to share their views on the following options, based on a Band D property currently paying £238.57 each year for police and £78.78 for fire & rescue.
Below are the levels of tax that residents are being asked to choose from:
- No increase in precept, which would lead to a reduction in policing services
- An extra £7.13 per year (2.99%), which would offer "some protection for existing services"
- An extra £10 per year (4.19%), which would "protect existing services and help to fund improvements".
- No increase in precept, which would lead to "reductions in fire and rescue services"
- An extra £1.57 per year (1.99%), which would "help protect existing services".
Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime, Ben Adams said: "Budgeting for the coming year is challenging because of uncertainty related to Covid-19, inflation and the likelihood of pay increases. Government is proposing a three-year grant settlement this year, which helps financial planning in these difficult times.
"As part of setting the budget I require the services, and my office, to consider where they can make savings and I will consider all options, such as making better use of technology or sharing buildings. I will always try to keep your council tax low and I will only ask for more if I believe it is necessary to maintain or improve the services we receive.
"This coming year, I believe some additional investment is required to protect our services in these uncertain times and a little more will help our new Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer to implement the local plans sooner and keep us safe.
"I would therefore welcome your thoughts on these options."
To take the survey please Click here.
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