Leek's new Mayor "on cloud nine" following election

By Jack Lenton

19th May 2021 | Local News

Leek's new Mayor has said she will "work really hard" for the town following her election to the role.

Cllr Lyn Swindlehurst was named the new Mayor of Leek for the 2021-22 year at a meeting of Leek Town Council held last night (Tuesday 18th May).

She will now take over from last year's Mayor, Cllr Stephen Wales, while Cllr Bill Cawley was named the new deputy Mayor. He will replace Cllr Swindlehurst, who held the role of deputy last year.

Leek Nub News reported previously how Cllr Wales had asked to remain Mayor for another year after Coronavirus restrictions made his first year as Mayor "disappointing".

However, it was Cllr Swindlehurst who was voted in by councillors at last night's meeting.

She told Nub News about her reaction to being elected and her plans for the upcoming year, saying: "I feel very proud and humbled, and I was on cloud nine when I was elected. My family live in Leek so I'm really pleased and I am going to work really hard.

"The plans for the year aren't set in stone at the moment, because some things have opened up but some things are still being done virtually, so we will just have to go with the flow, but on Saturday I will be going out with the town crier to announce my arrival.

"Every mayor is a bit different, the last mayor was more business focused whereas I will be more about getting into town and meeting people.

"I am still thinking about my chosen charities, but I would like to do something for children and mental health."

In his annual report, outgoing Mayor Cllr Wales spoke of the "great privilege" of holding the role in a "unique and equally frustrating year".

He said: "It has been a great privilege to serve as Mayor, albeit this during the COVID pandemic which has dominated my term of office. This has given me both a unique - and equally a frustrating year.

"Making a connection to the various organisations across the town has been impossible as everybody has been either locked down or severely constrained in their liberty."

He discussed the many events that had been cancelled over the year, and added that the Christmas lights switch on taking place on a deserted Derby Street was a "low point" for many in the town.

However, he also noted the positives of the year, including the switch to Zoom meetings, the refurbishment of council offices, working with the town crier and the Russell Street garden project.

He added: " In many ways this has been the most productive year I have had as a Councillor, and I am proud of our achievements this year."

If you would like the Mayor to attend a community or charity function in Leek, please contact the Town Clerk, Mrs Julie Taylor, either online using the "Contact Us" form on the town council website, or phone 01538 381271.

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