Leek care home told it 'requires improvement' for fifth time following inspection
By Jack Lenton
27th Oct 2022 | Local News
A Leek care home has been told it needs to improve following a recent inspection by the Care Quality Commission.
Treetops Court Care Home on Park Road was given an overall rating of 'requires improvement' in an inspection report published last week.
The local care home was given 'requires improvement' ratings in the individual categories of being 'safe', 'effective' and 'well-led', and 'good' ratings in the 'caring' and 'responsive' categories.
The home provides nursing and residential care for up to 70 elderly people who have dementia or other mental and physical disabilities. At the time of the inspection, there were 47 people using the home.
The Care Quality Commission's report explained that "breaches of legal requirements were found" following the unannounced inspection, which took place in June.
The care home has now been given a 'requires' improvement rating for its last five consecutive inspections.
The inspection found that safety checks were not completed consistently enough, and people using the home were not supported to have maximum control over their lives.
However, it also explained that nobody had come to harm and most people said they felt safe.
The report says: "The provider ensured annual safety checks being completed but on-going checks and building maintenance checks were not being completed consistently. This meant people were at higher risk if faults were not being identified and rectified quickly.
"Medicines quality audits were not robust enough to effectively identify errors and were not being carried out consistently. However, no one had come to harm.
"People were not supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and did not support them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service did not support this practice.
"Staff were safely recruited and trained, but not all staff had all relevant training to support the needs of all people in the home. Most people told us they felt safe, relatives' views on the service were mixed."
You can read the report in full on the Care Quality Commission's website.